McKees Rocks
(412) 771-1055
(412) 458-3445
Allison Park
(412) 487-2787
Bethel Park
(412) 835-2626
(724) 947-9999

Workers’ Compensation & Rehabilitation

We excel at work injury rehabilitation services that support the injured worker. We'll coordinate care and communicate with all parties to help ensure a successful return to work.

WorkSmart Solutions a division of Hess Physical Therapy, LLC provides a wide variety of work injury management, prevention, and wellness services. These services are offered as Business Tools to employers which are designed to effectively reduce injury-related costs and improve the overall wellness of the worker.



An important element in positively addressing work-related musculoskeletal injuries is through Early Intervention strategies. This process is triggered by an employee report of musculoskeletal pain or discomfort. The employee's complaint is evaluated by a licensed rehabilitation professional and an intervention/first-aid strategy is developed. This process includes a job assessment that identifies potential musculoskeletal stressors that could be linked to the employee's complaints. Recommendations regarding work technique modification, exercises, first-aid, or ergonomic intervention are then determined. Follow-up would then occur on a weekly basis to assess improvement.


The Functional Capacity Assessment (FCA) is a standardized physical test that measures an injured worker's abilities. In the FCA, workers perform various activities that simulate on-the-job work tasks. These activities can then be matched to the specific tasks of a certain job. The FCA is based on clinical research and combines the highest level of safety with objective findings.


The JFT is the first step employers can take in preventing injuries because it matches work and the worker. This ADA compliant functional test is used to determine an individual's ability to safely perform the physical requirements of a specific job. Based on validated Job Function Descriptions (JFDs) to ensure job-relatedness, the JFT provides specific correlations between job demands and an applicant's physical abilities. It can be used for hiring, job transfers, and return to work situations.


A Job Function Analysis (JFA) is a comprehensive, objective, and structured process of evaluating the physical aspects of work, the worker, and the worksite. Applications for both office and industrial settings are utilized. The JFA process objectively quantifies, measures, and categorizes the active components of the job, including required movements, forces, weights, and postures. The data from the JFA can then be used to assist with development of Job Function Descriptions (JFDs), Job Function Tests (JFTs), ergonomic modifications, customized educational programs, and return to work programs.


Services include: Office, Retail, and Manufacturing

Employers are provided direction regarding existence of exposure to musculoskeletal disorder risk and hazards. Using a functional and biomechanical approach, recommendations for eliminating risks of musculoskeletal injuries are identified to improve the safety of the work environment, overall productivity, and the health of the workforce. Application of various industry standards relative to occupational health, safety, and ergonomics are used as part of the analysis process. Educational presentations are customized to meet the unique needs of the employer (supervisors and employees). Topics such as work site stretching, back safety, musculoskeletal disorders, and ergonomics are offered.


Safety education programs empower employees to understand and solve problems. Educational presentations are customized to meet the unique needs of the employer (supervisors and employees). We address topics such as work site stretching, back safety, musculoskeletal disorders, and ergonomics (office and industrial).