Is Your Balance Setting You Up For An Injury?
10 Exercises to Help You Regain Balance and Reduce Your Risk of Falling
From the time we learn to take our first steps, we also begin to learn what it feels like to fall. Likewise, we learn to hold onto things like the edge of a table or our parents’ fingers to avoid falling. This natural avoidance to losing our balance is an important thing to have. According […]
3 Ways to Beat Achy Shoulders
Do you find your shoulders aching at the end of the day or when having to lift your arms? Whether your pain is from an old injury or just from moving all day long, try these simple techniques to feel better and stronger. Why Your Shoulders Hurt Your shoulders are the most complicated joints in […]
Recovering from Rotator Cuff Injuries
For active people with rotator cuff injuries, the most commonly asked question is whether or not the injury will heal without need for surgery. In 2012 the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons revealed studies reporting that surgical repair fails in about 57% of rotator cuff cases. Non-surgical treatment of rotator cuff injury succeeds in about 50% of cases. It […]
Rotator Cuff Recovery Tips
A rotator cuff tear is a common and serious injury. To fully recover from this type of injury it is vital to go through proper rehabilitation. The goal is to strengthen these muscles while not overworking them. Due to the complicated nature of the shoulder joint, it is best to seek the help of a […]
The Top 3 Secrets Revealed to Minimize Your Fall Risk!
Find out if you have a balance problem Are you falling or tripping more often? Do you feel like you rely on a friend or furniture to walk safely from one place to another? Have you changed your normal lifestyle to accommodate the fear of a potential fall? If you have answered yes to any […]
How to Take Charge of your Balance!
Everything you do in your daily life, whether for daily living, work, or fun requires balance. Walking, getting up from a chair, cleaning the house, and reaching in the cupboard are all activities that require balance. All of these tasks require balance control but should be automatic processes that require minimal attention to balance. However, […]
Don’t Ignore your Dizziness!
Dizziness is a term that is used for a variety of sensations that can mean different things to different people. Spinning, wobbly, unsteady, and lightheaded are some of the few words people use to describe their dizziness. Dizziness can be caused by a number of different factors. One potential cause of dizziness includes a problem […]
What is Lumbar Stenosis?
Lumbar Spinal Stenosis. Big words for an unbelievably common problem. Lumbar spinal stenosis is a condition affecting the lower back where the spinal cord one or more of the vertebral foramina become narrowed due to one of several causes. It is painful and causes pain, weakness, and numbness in the lower extremities. Read on to […]